EnableN opdaterer dig med nyheder om softwareløsninger

Sammenhæng mellem CRM og kundeoplevelse

Sammenhæng mellem CRM og kundeoplevelse

Et af de mest omtalte emner, når det kommer til customer relationship management (CRM) er kundeoplevelsen. For at skabe en bemærkelsesværdig kundeoplevelse skal du opnå et positivt forhold til dine kunder gennem hele kunderejsen. At holde en kunde tilfreds bliver mere...

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Enablen Becomes a Certified Pipedrive Partner

Enablen Becomes a Certified Pipedrive Partner

Copenhagen, October 12, 2023 – Enablen, a leading nordic software consulting and implementation firm is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Pipedrive, the premier sales CRM designed for small businesses. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our mission to provide exceptional digital solutions and support to our valued clients.

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Optimering af marketing management processer

Succesfuld marketing starter med en strategisk managementproces, der forholder sig til hvilke typer marketing din virksomhed skal fokusere på: e-mail marketing, SoMe, PR eller noget helt fjerde. Hvis din virksomhed er veletableret, er sandsynligheden for at I allerede har lagt jeres marketingstrategi, stor. Hvis din virksomhed er relativt ny, er der rimelig sandsynlighed for, at I endnu ikke har udarbejdet en komplet marketingstrategi.

Uanset om din virksomhed er ny eller etableret, kan monday.com hjælpe med skabelse og optimering af effektive marketing management processer, der kan tage din virksomhed til nye højder.

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EnableN – monday.com event i København

Der var stor interesse og tilslutning, da EnableN holdt monday.com event i København. I selskab med vores 50 deltagere, afholdt vi et inspirerende event med spændende kundecases, og indsigter i monday.com’s mange features og brugsmuligheder.

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Gratis rådgivning til digital omstilling

Gratis rådgivning til digital omstilling

Hos EnableN tilbyder vi gratis rådgivning til digital omstilling gennem SMV:Digitals vækst- og udviklingsprogram.   Hvad er SMV:Digital? SMV:digital er et program, der har til formål at fremme vækst og udvikling gennem digitalisering, automatisering og e-handel...

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How SMART are your goals?

How SMART are your goals?

Most people set themselves tasks for the week because they feel as though they will be more productive that way, which is true! Goals generally help you achieve more in any scenario, whether that's at work or in your personal life. For example, if you want to go on...

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Tips to protect your mental health whilst working remotely

Tips to protect your mental health whilst working remotely

At enablen.dk we believe that physical and mental health should be a top priority for everyone. We recognised that working from home could have an effect on some individual's mental health and we wanted to share with you some of the tips that we have put in place to...

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How our CRM system is changing the future of work

How our CRM system is changing the future of work

It doesn’t matter if you’re a 15 employee company or a 1,500 employee company, both need a CRM that will grow with your business. If you invest in a CRM that doesn’t solve your pain points and develop with your business requirements, you’ll find yourself looking for a new future-proof CRM sooner than you think.

Instead, save yourself the hassle and buy a CRM that is already changing the future of work! This way you will see the benefits as soon as you start using the system.

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Create Beautiful Emails For Both Desktop and Mobile View

Create Beautiful Emails For Both Desktop and Mobile View

Did you know that 47% of all people across demographics use a mobile application for checking their email? Meanwhile, 26.9% still prefer desktop. This proves that having a marketing tool that creates emails beautifully for both desktop and mobile is essential. Most...

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How CRM Can Improve Your Employee’s Performance

How CRM Can Improve Your Employee’s Performance

Employee performance is hard to track if you don't have any software that is allowing you to record individual projects and tasks. If you can't track employee performance how do you know that you're getting the best out of their capabilities? Customer Relationship...

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10 goals you can achieve with Marketing Automation

10 goals you can achieve with Marketing Automation

Automating your marketing will make it so much easier for your team to really focus on the work that matters, saving you time and money. With marketing automation, it is essential that you find a solution that will help you to achieve your business and marketing...

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Organise Your Tasks with The Best Marketing Management System

Organise Your Tasks with The Best Marketing Management System

Do your marketing teams struggle to organise and track their tasks? You're not alone, there's a lot of businesses out there that create fantastic marketing content but they have nowhere to collaborate or hold their data! That's where monday.com comes in. monday.com is...

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Get a fully optimised CRM package with enable

Get a fully optimised CRM package with enable

Recently, we have been getting a lot of companies coming to us who are already using SugarCRM with another partner, however, they don't feel like they're getting enough support. We have successfully been able to bring new customers and customers of SugarCRM (from...

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What to consider when choosing a CRM

What to consider when choosing a CRM

Choosing a CRM is a major business decision. It affects everyone and everything, so before you decide on a program make sure you have asked yourself these questions: What do you want the system to do? What is must-have and what would be nice-to-have? Do you truly have...

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What is CRM?

What is CRM?

Even if you’ve never used a CRM before, you’re probably aware of the term. Knowing that a lot of companies - including your competition - are using CRM software to save time and drive sales.   But what is CRM really? And what can it do for you? CRM is an abbreviation...

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EnableN opdaterer dig med nyheder om softwareløsninger