Tips to protect your mental health whilst working remotely

Mental Health

At we believe that physical and mental health should be a top priority for everyone. We recognised that working from home could have an effect on some individual’s mental health and we wanted to share with you some of the tips that we have put in place to help people feel more comfort at home.

Check-in with your team members regularly

It’s super important to make sure that everyone in your department and company-wide is okay! Working from home can be extremely isolating and we don’t realise how much the little things make a difference. By popping up to one of your colleagues and asking how they’re getting on can brighten up their day. At we use enable chat to catch up with our team members because it enables us to have direct and fast conversations with the relevant people.

 Maintain your work-life-balance

Whilst working from home it can be very easy to not switch off. Your laptop is right there, just another 30 mins, right? No – When it’s finish time, finish and when it’s lunchtime, have your lunch. You won’t recognise how much of a difference it makes until you start doing it. Having screen breaks is important for your mental health because it relaxes your mind for a set amount of time and takes your focus off work. Go outside for some fresh air or take a walk – this will help your wellbeing massively.

Be kind to yourself and others

Remember, this is an unusual situation to be in and there are lots of people feeling stressed and uncertain. Be kind to others because you don’t know their situation or circumstances. Most importantly, be kind to yourself, allow yourself the time to focus on your thoughts and wellbeing. Don’t get overwhelmed with your workload, many people feel that they need to work harder at home to prove that they’re making the most out of their time. You don’t. You need to be as productive as you can be whilst maintaining happiness at work.

Implement accountability across the entire organisation

Lack of communication and the unknown element of any situation can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety – which won’t help if you already feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. You need to know who is accountable for which projects so that if something needs changing, you know who to go to. At we use a task management tool called which allows us to assign tasks to individual team members and track the progress of each one. It also allows you to see others tasks means it’s easier to offer a helping hand so not one member of the team feels like they’re drowning (rather than just focusing on their own).

Create a routine that you can stick to

This may seem like a simple one but it’s very effective. You’ve probably heard it lots of times but get dressed! Get ready as if you were going into the office, it will make you feel a lot more ‘in the zone.’ A lot of people find themselves feeling down because they can’t separate work life and personal life. By creating a routine you can do just that!

Get in contact with us…

If you need any tips on how our solutions can help you maintain a happy work life-style whilst working from home, get in contact. Not only will we show you how awesome our solutions are, but we’re also great listeners. Your story matters and we’re here for you, always. – Contact us.

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